The Unmasked Grandmother - On Being Deliberate
Still no power at home but looking forward to having you over some day to play!
Just What I Needed
Day nine no power at home. Thankful for the hotel we are in and the lovely staff working there. Left early this am to make a fresh batch of minestrone. Feeling exhausted I headed back to the hotel with pizza delivery and a moment to shower around 2:00pm. Just then... your mom called and said she was coming by the restaurant to say hi. I was sick. Like ships passing in the night... I was to miss seeing you again. Your mommy must have known I needed to see your sweet face. I am thankful. Managed to muster much strength after you left. We finished the night strong. Love you, Goose. Bless you sweet Maddie. Saw “The Goose” today. Realized something wonderful... he loves me and longs to be with me... just as I long to be with him. And... our hair is the same!
Take Good Care of Your Teeth
Had to have a cavity filled this am. First time in decades. Dustin Wylam, DMD, is the best dentist on the planet. He really cares about his patients... even does cleanings himself! The best part... other than the always spirited conversation with he and his darling wife... it didn’t hurt. I am such a baby when it comes to dental work. Bad childhood memories... dental trauma. Anxiety grips me every time. Dusty is gentle, kind, patient and incredibly compassionate. I left the appointment thankful and relieved. |
June 2022
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