![]() Do you ever have a day where you feel a little bit like Hog Food? This message is simple: Take heart. Keep your chin up and your smile on. God knows right where you are, where you've been, how you got there, and exactly why you feel the way you do. Greater than that... He's already won the battle. Scripturally Speaking: John 16:33 33 These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” New American Standard Bible (NASB)
![]() I love the way the light shines in my home parish. We have no curtains on the windows... just stained glass that filters the sunlight and splashes color on the walls and the ceiling. Sometimes it even touches the people directly. Living in Oregon... this is not something that happens every day... and when it does... I like to look around the room and watch where it lands. When the light hits me personally... I feel I'm in just the right place at the right time. When the light shines so bright that I can't look up... I just bow my head and let it cover me. I surrender to the light and whatever color it makes me. My work brings me to many different church buildings and denominations. There are a lot of churches... even some of my own faith... so covered... so filtered and controlled that very little or no light is allowed to shine. To me... the light is like God's Spirit. Where it is allowed to move freely much is accomplished. On the contrary... where fear and control issues abound the Spirit is blocked more often than not. God certainly has the power to penetrate any darkness... I do think though that He probably has a lot more fun with us when we are open and willing to let that Spirit flow. I think we're so much better off when we let the light shine and the true colors of our faith and in our fellow members to be revealed. I think it's important to ask ourselves these questions... Does God's light shine through me, on me or never find me? Am I a roadblock or a doorway? Am I living a life of light and color or in a world of fear and darkness? Scripturally Speaking: 1 John 1:5 God Is Light 5 This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. New American Standard Bible ![]() There is so much I could say about this church. I sang for two Masses here last Sunday morning. There were people in the pews during Mass... but no way I was going to whip out my camera in the middle of that! Corpus Christi's choir director, Matt Henry, does a fabulous job. There is a wealth of talent in the parish. A very talented trio, flautist and two beautiful choirs blessed my heart as they joined in on Holy Spirit Come to Me. So much happened here... from Friday morning Mass... and the St Gerard Circle women's meeting presentation, Saturday night concert, Sunday Masses and the awesome school visit Monday morning St. Francis Xavier downtown. The Holy Spirit moved on this adventure... because people were willing to let it happen. It was an email from Dena Armstrong that started it all. When she called a few months ago her message said, "I want you for everything you do. How do we make this happen?!" The Spirit moved from that moment forward. There was opposition at times, but God managed to make His way around it and with prayer and determination so much was accomplished. When people are blessed by something we do... we can know we're on the right path. For me and what I do... it takes that spark on the other end of an event to make it great. Mediocre or just so-so would be easier. Great is possible if we put in the effort. Thank you, Dena Armstrong, for listening to that Still Small Voice, answering yes to God's call and giving every part of it your absolute best. Scripturally Speaking: Romans 12:2 2 And do not be conformed to this [a]world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may [b]prove what the will of God is, that which is good and [c]acceptable and perfect. New American Standard Bible (NASB) This is Dena with Madeline Judith and me. ![]() Sorry for the delay. The last three days have been a blur. God was definitely in charge of invitations last Saturday night at Corpus Christi Parish in Ahwatukee. Bass player, Greg Mikszta and vocalist John Armstrong were amazing. Matt Henry, choir director for both Corpus Christi Parish and Mountain Pointe High School, jumped in at the last minute and made what was already awesome... even greater. There was a sort of Oak Ridge boys thing happening and it was WAY cool. Kylie Armstrong stepped up in faith and sang beautifully on That Still Small Voice. The ensemble that was formed... by God... was incredible. The many people who attended were there by God's invitation. Blessings flowed and hearts were touched. I was just flat out humbled. Thank you, God for showing up, as you always do, and for making what needed to happen... happen. I can see the faces of those who were blessed and told me so... they have touched my life forever. Was it worth driving all this way? Absolutely, Yes! Scripturally Speaking: Romans 12:2 2 And do not be conformed to this [a]world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may [b]prove what the will of God is, that which is good and [c]acceptable and perfect. New American Standard Bible (NASB) ![]() Ahwatukee! I just like the way it feels when I say it. This photo was taken there yesterday at Corpus Christi Catholic Church. I had the honor of spending time with their St. Gerard Circle ministry group. This women's group is obviously willing to let the Holy Spirit flow. They are having an incredible impact on their church and community through faith, service and love. They totally rocked the hand motions on My Hearts on Fire and I even saw some pretty slick dance moves happening! I shared with the group, as I do everywhere I go, how God is using me and my gifts. Also, how I am not necessarily qualified to serve, yet He knows I am willing. When I'm open to the Spirit I can trust that IT goes before me and prepares everything... even me. As I have said before... God does not necessarily call the equipped but He will equip the called. Yesterday - two awesome guys, John and Greg, helped set up sound at Corpus Christi for tonight's concert. They are such cool guys, men of faith willing to help and serve. As we arranged the sound equipment I asked a few questions. As a result... both guys agreed to play with me in concert tonight. I can't wait to watch this unfold. I'm believing here and now... even before it happens... that their willingness to answer, "Yes" will be a blessing to others... as well as themselves. It is already a blessing to me. Before I left home for this trip... I bought a few things to use as potential Thank You gifts along the way. Turns out John and Greg like beer. Now I know who the two big bottles of Oregon brewed IPA were for! I knew when I felt inspired to buy them God had already chosen their recipients. I love to watch God work! The more I seek Him the more I find Him. Hebrews 11:6 6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. New Living Translation (NLT) Click here for CONCERT INFO in case you want to come out tonight and watch God work through John and Greg! ![]() Yesterday was filled with great things. One highlight... visiting one of Madeline's former classmates at ASU. I'm so glad we had the chance to see a little bit of "big college" life on campus. So many people... so much activity... quite a lot of trash... most of which was in her dorm room. Speaking of dorm rooms... they're are smaller than I thought they'd be... kind of reminded me of a tree fort with bunk beds... cozy. As Honey Boo Boo played on the large flat screen in the corner... I thought... I don't know how the school matched up these two roommates but they seem to be perfect for each other. Madeline will settle into her own college environment when we return to Oregon week after next. Her experience will be very different. Her scholarship for two years free at Chemeketa Community College will be a fabulous start to an awesome education. Sadly(?)... there is no dorm life. I sure hope she is satisfied living at home. I'll do my best to stay out of her way. I am thinking though... how hard would it be to start our own sorority or something? We could pick some random Greek letters and plan activities and stuff. Hazing would not be allowed... but harmless pranks encouraged. I am so excited for both of these young women. While life experiences may seem similar... all children... all paths are different. It is God's Love for us that stays the same. Scripturally Speaking... Jeremiah 29:11 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. New International Version (NIV) ![]() The freeway that runs through the windy valley and into the mountain pass was lined with semi trucks. I wondered, who is more at risk in the wind; big tall trucks with heavy loads or tiny little cars like ours packed to the gills? As I prayed for safety before we hit the road... a memory flashed to driving through a horrible wind storm in South Dakota. I seriously struggled then for about 100 miles just to stay on the road. There were a few particularly scary moments when I was certain the car was being lifted off the ground. I really thought I might die that day... but I didn't. After an experience like that... you would think a gusty wind warning would make me worry... or feel afraid. Truth is... as I passed that warning sign today I felt strangely empowered... even big. I felt driven and cared for. I know warning signs are meant to be taken seriously because we never know, right? As it turned out... there was no wind to speak of. Today's gusty wind warning was for nothing... except the incredible reminder that trusting God is the way to go. Fear is the real killer here on Earth. God can handle the gusty winds and so much more. Scripturally Speaking: Joshua 1:9 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” New International Version ![]() Sunrise as Madeline Judith and I passed through Eugene, OR this morning. We're on our way to do God's work in Phoenix and San Diego. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! God is so faithful about directing our paths each day. I know that when I seek Him first... I see confirmation in abundance. Today was one of those days. We're definitely on to something here. So much has gone into preparation on both ends. Can't wait to see what God will do. I know He is in charge of invitations and appointments. I am here to serve. Also... I think it's pretty cool that I have the original Madeline Judith with me. She, Maddie, my daughter, and her appreciation for God's ability as an artist were the inspiration for my book Could I Paint The Sky?. It is the story of a little girl who wants to work for God. The real Madeline Judith is so much like the character in the book... strong, willing and filled with faith. I want to be just like her when I grow up. Scripturally Speaking... 1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually! and... Deuteronomy 6:10-11 (10) The Lord your God will bring you into the land He promised to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give to you. There will be big and beautiful cities which you did not build. (11) Houses will be full of good things which you did not fill. There will be pools for keeping water which you did not dig, and grape vines and olive trees which you did not plant. You will eat and be filled. Makes me hungry just thinking about it! Here is the title song from my book. Just click on the play button below. Could I Paint The Sky?If you wish to know more about this song or the book... click here: Could I Paint The Sky?
June 2022
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